Addressing man power shortages in Fashion Supply Chains

Manpower shortages pose significant challenges for fashion supply chains, affecting production efficiency, logistics operations, and overall business performance. With the demand for skilled labor in the fashion industry continuously growing and the emergence of new challenges such as changing consumer preferences and technological advancements, addressing manpower shortages has become imperative. This blog explores effective strategies for addressing manpower shortages in fashion supply chains, with insights from Indian case studies.

1. Investing in Training and Development


Investing in training programs to develop skills and capabilities among existing employees and new hires.

Key Activities:

  • Skills Development: Providing training in areas such as garment production techniques, quality control, and logistics management.
  • Cross-Training: Offering opportunities for employees to gain expertise in multiple areas of the supply chain.
  • Leadership Development: Providing leadership training and mentoring programs to groom future leaders.

2. Implementing Automation and Technology Solutions


Deploying automation and technology solutions to augment human labor and improve operational efficiency.

Key Activities:

  • Robotic Automation: Introducing robots and automated systems for tasks such as material handling, cutting, and packaging.
  • Inventory Management Systems: Implementing advanced inventory management software for real-time tracking and optimization.
  • Predictive Analytics: Utilizing data analytics tools to forecast demand, optimize production schedules, and improve resource allocation.

3. Collaborating with Educational Institutions


Partnering with educational institutions to develop industry-relevant curriculum and training programs.

Key Activities:

  • Internship Programs: Offering internship opportunities for students to gain practical experience in fashion supply chain operations.
  • Curriculum Development: Collaborating with academic institutions to develop courses and certifications tailored to the needs of the industry.
  • Industry-Academia Partnerships: Establishing research collaborations and knowledge-sharing initiatives between academia and industry.

4. Embracing Flexible Work Arrangements


Implementing flexible work arrangements to attract and retain talent, including part-time work, remote work, and flexible hours.

Key Activities:

  • Remote Work: Allowing employees to work from home or remote locations to accommodate personal preferences and improve work-life balance.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Offering flexible scheduling options to accommodate varying employee needs and preferences.
  • Temporary and Seasonal Hiring: Hiring temporary or seasonal workers during peak periods to address short-term manpower shortages.

5. Outsourcing Non-Core Functions


Outsourcing non-core functions and activities to third-party service providers to reduce the burden on internal resources.

Key Activities:

  • Logistics Outsourcing: Partnering with third-party logistics providers for warehousing, transportation, and order fulfillment.
  • Manufacturing Outsourcing: Outsourcing manufacturing and production processes to contract manufacturers or offshore facilities.
  • HR and Recruitment Outsourcing: Engaging recruitment agencies or HR consultants to streamline hiring processes and address manpower shortages.

Case studies


Myntra, a prominent Indian fashion e-commerce platform, embraces flexible work arrangements to attract and retain talent. By offering remote work options and flexible scheduling, Myntra provides employees with greater flexibility and autonomy, reducing turnover and addressing manpower shortages.

Tata CLiQ

Tata CLiQ, an Indian e-commerce platform, collaborates with educational institutions to address manpower shortages in the fashion industry. By sponsoring vocational training programs and offering internships to students, Tata CLiQ nurtures talent and bridges the gap between academia and industry.


Addressing manpower shortages in fashion supply chains requires a multifaceted approach that combines investment in training and development, adoption of automation and technology, collaboration with educational institutions, implementation of flexible work arrangements, and outsourcing of non-core functions. Indian fashion companies, as demonstrated in the case studies, are adopting these strategies to overcome labor challenges and ensure the smooth functioning of their supply chains.